Dear Client,
As you know, we relocated our practice in April 2014, to our current offices in Stanmore, where we entered into a resource and office sharing agreement with Parker Cavendish, Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors. Sheelan Shah, was nominated by Parker Cavendish to assist to manage all client and other practice affairs for Link Chartered Accountants and you no doubt have had extensive dealings with Sheelan over the years.
Regulatory and practical issues have made it sensible for us to advance this commercial partnership and on 22 June 2018, our firm formally joined with Parker Cavendish, to continue the provision of high level of service and advice in this environment of ever increasing regulation and compliance, to ensure that each and every client of ours, has access to service and advice that they require.
For all intents and purposes, you will see some small procedural changes, i.e. new bank accounts, etc. but essentially the same personnel and system developed and functioning for the past 4 years, will continue, with no disruption of services or changes in our accounting and tax personnel.
Sheelan will remain the main contact for most. I too will be available for those matters that you choose to deal with me, though I must confess – I may be taking more holidays!
The change will not affect any material matters such as office address, service levels, personnel, fee levels, etc. On the plus, we will all benefit from the compliance, professional and regulatory infrastructure provided by Parker Cavendish as well as a deeper expertise in certain tax, accounting and audit areas.
All e-mails and telephone contact numbers, website, etc. remain the same.
Our bank details will change and these will be as follows :-
Account name: PCL Link Chartered Accountants
Sort code: 60-20-24
Account number: 38695928
If you send payments by oversight to the old bank accounts, that is no problem, as we will make an internal transfer, until you make the change.
Whilst writing on this matter, I have a personal message to you. Each one of our clients has been special to me, and to our practice, which has been in existence since 1991. I know many of you personally, a connection I wish to continue.
I am grateful for your support over the last so many years and look forward to continue to serve you, perhaps better under this new arrangement and look forward to your continued support.
Yours truly
Jay Kotecha